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Hundreds of Integrations Feeding a Unified Customer Profile

Facebook Custom Audiences Destination is one of the most popular Engage Destinations. It has a variety of use cases related to suppression, acquisition (using lookalikes), retargeting, and more.
This Destination can send audiences (lists of users) created in Engage to Facebook Custom Audiences as a User-List.

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Facebook has different solutions we can integrate with, as App Events, Conversions API, Offline Conversations and Facebook Pixel.

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Tiktok has different solutions we can integrate with, as Tiktok Pixel, Conversions and Audiences destinations.

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Enables targeted Twitter ad campaigns for web visits, followers, awareness, or engagement. Offers Promoted Tweets, Accounts, or Trends based on criteria like language, age, interests, and location. Automates follower growth by targeting similar audiences.

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  • Drives user acquisition from the Snapchat platform
  • Supports audience uploads that can be used to target and suppress customers
  • Create lookalike audiences based on uploaded audiences
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  • Embed YouTube’s video player into your site to showcase your video content
  • Automatically collect YouTube video analytics data using Segment’s plugin
  • Send your video data to tools for analytics like Chartbeat and Adobe Heartbeat with just a few clicks
  • Analyze which videos drive down-funnel engagement, retention, and revenue by combining video data with other website interactions
  • (YouTube is available as a plugin for Javascript sources in Segment.)
pinterest logo

Ad management platform

  • Creates Javascript tag to track user actions once they click on or view an ad
  • Records website conversions tied to your advertising campaigns
  • Enables audience targeting based on user behavior, including page or product views, videos watched, or orders completed
  • Allows for campaign optimization based on promoted pin performance and downstream user behavior such as products liked, shared, or purchased
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Real-time workplace communication

  • Supports web and mobile chat and video features so teams can communicate face-to-face or via Slack’s messaging system
  • Organizes chat topic by channel for archiving, searching, and organization
  • Syncs with Google Drive, Dropbox, Box, or third-party file-sharing services for seamless integration, so teams can share large documents during chats
  • Integrates with third-party platforms to connect notifications like code check-ins, error logs, and support requests
  • Provides searchable archive so team members can search whole PDFs, Word documents, Google Docs, Dropbox documents, and more
alexa logo

SEO and competitive analysis

  • Offers keyword ideas that are highly relevant to your site, your target audience, and the topics you want to rank for
  • Compares the SEO keywords of up to competitor 10 sites to see where you stand against your competition and uncover keywords it gets traffic for
  • Runs an SEO technical audit to uncover any problems preventing you from receiving more search traffic and gives tips to fix any action items
  • Gets website traffic statistics and performance metrics for competitor sites, then benchmarks and tracks your performance relative to your peers
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Web analytics

  • Collects both website and app data to better understand the customer journey
  • Uses event-based data instead of session-based
  • Includes privacy controls such as cookieless measurement, and behavioral and conversion modeling
  • Predictive capabilities offer guidance without complex models
  • Direct integrations to media platforms help drive actions on your website or app
google tag managers

Tag management system

  • Supports all tags and has turnkey templates for a wide range of Google or third-party tags for web and mobile apps
  • Enables marketers to add or change their own tags as needed and campaigns can be underway with just a few clicks, including support for custom tags if they’re not yet listed
  • Incorporates granular access controls for enterprise collaboration, including multi-environment testing and simultaneous user tagging updates
  • Is recognized as the web’s most popular enterprise-grade tag management solution
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Send Shopify events to Segment

  • Send Shopify analytics events to Segment
  • Shopify Standard Events get mapped to Segment Ecommerce Spec events
  • Select which events you want to track
  • Configure how user profile data is collected
  • Events are tracked client side, in real time
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Marketing automation platform

  • Is a full-featured marketing suite that includes a landing page builder, tools for email and SEO, a form builder for gating content, and a repository for managing leads generated from campaigns
  • Incorporates ad tracking component so you can track the ROI of Facebook, AdWords, and LinkedIn advertising
  • Tracks social media engagement with monitoring tool that can also schedule responses and outgoing social posts
  • Is usually integrated with another source of truth, like Salesforce, since HubSpot default contacts have different lifecycle stages than typical CRM setup (more geared towards marketing funnel.)
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Cloud storage

  • Integrates with third-party technologies using REST APIs and SDKs so developers can manage unlimited web data in one place
  • Protects data by supporting SSL transfers and automatic encryptions so developers can keep data safe
  • Supports network-optimized, physical disk-based, or third-party connector methods so developers can import or export data with ease
  • Supports object tagging so developers can customize and identify unique categories to properly manage transitions between storage classes
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Marketing analytics

  • Identifies new audiences by supporting unlimited real-time drag-and-drop segmentation and customizable reporting, so marketers can discover new high-value customers
  • Segments mobile, web, and offline channel data so teams can run queries, develop custom workflows, and trigger automated notifications
  • Sends 24/7 alerts about anomalies in the data and trends about how people interact with mobile and other digital experiences
  • Curates customized workflows and reports, and enables performance of specialized analyses in Microsoft Excel.

Free ecommerce marketing automation

  • Provides drag-and-drop email, Instagram, and Facebook campaign templates that can be automated based on pre-built solutions like new subscriber, audience birthday, or cart abandonment
  • Supports Instagram and Facebook ad campaigns and automates prospecting by searching your email to find and target new customers similar to current loyal customers
  • Integrates with Shopify, Magento, WooCommerce, or BigCommerce so marketers can suggest new products to targeted customers and automate category follow-up, product follow up, or re-engagement solutions
salesforce logo

Customer relationship management platform

  • Is a giant database that comes pre-set up with standard object types as well as use of custom objects and fields, opening up utility of apps in Salesforce app store
  • Can apply complex filtering logic, summarize and group your data, perform calculations, and create sophisticated visualizations of your sales data using dashboards
  • Is complex enough that fully instrumenting the CRM to work within your org is usually done by a dedicated contractor or a team of administrators
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Qualtrics enables you to gather, analyse and perform action on experience data from your customers.

  • Create and manage XM Directory contacts in real-time with minimal IT resources
  • Precise targeting for your survey outreach through digital channels
  • Route customer feedback response data back from Qualtrics through Segment to any organizational endpoint
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Mobile marketing automation

  • Engages with audiences across lifecycles by pooling first-party and third-party data through APIs, in-store purchases, and mobile information and supporting email notifications, in-app messages, news feed cards, and web notifications
  • Supports web push messages on Firefox44+, Chrome42+, Safari7+, and Opera29+
  • Automates email delivery by using predictive analytics to decipher optimal messaging time based on user actions or API triggers
  • Enables marketers to create campaigns without the need to be technical using “Canvas,” a drag-and-drop campaign builder
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Web app task automation

  • Links up with web apps and automates actions using customizable workflows, called “Zaps”
  • Triggers custom workflows from more than 750 apps like Gmail, Slack, Google Sheets, or Trello and automates custom alerts or actions so teams can point and click to automate tasks
  • Enables custom workflows based on unique goals like searching for a subscriber, copying a document, or starting a conversation
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Foursquare provides real-time event triggering based upon your users’ location in the physical world, allowing you to harness our powerful geotargeting capabilities to send those events to other services via Segment.

  • Visit Detection – Identify when a user has entered and stopped at a specific venue, category, or chain.
  • Geofence Events – Tell when a device’s GPS has entered, exited, or remained within a place for a certain amount of time (dwell).
  • Home and Work Detection – Determine the user’s home and work location after 3-7 days of SDK usage.
  • User States – Interact with your users based on their current state: home/work, travel, or commute.
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Intuitive analytics and data visualization

  • Provides customizable, dynamic analytics dashboards so businesses can drag-and-drop data into columns and rows
  • Pivots, splits, and manages metadata from third-party data sources, so businesses can pull from SQL databases, cloud apps like Salesforce, and spreadsheets
  • Builds calculations based on forecasts, trend lines, geographic information, and orders it by custom categories like priority, label, or market
  • Offers Tableau Server and the ability to deploy data on Public Cloud with AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud
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Marketing automation and email

  • Enables email segmentation, subscription forms, dynamic content, and split testing for email marketing
  • Provides free templates, subscription forms, image hosting, and a drag-and-drop interface so marketers can create and automate email campaigns to segmented users based on site activity, social interests, and campaign interactions
  • Automates welcome emails, birthday emails, and trigger campaigns based on custom actions or completed sales events
  • Supports custom event tracking, segment creation, setting automation goals, and communicating with SMS and site messaging
  • Provides sales automation, lead scoring, and a Gmail extension so marketers can automate sales process, define and track custom funnels, and integrate with social profiles to score leads based on interactions, interest, site activity, and social media details
looker logo

Business data analytics

  • Enables custom data inputs, so teams can import custom business metrics like lifetime customer value or conversion rates and define how tables interact, without needing SQL knowledge
  • Automates data models from schema inputs and supports custom dimensions and measures for unique data visualizations
  • Uses “LookML” to help businesses harness SQL by defining table relations, specifying custom measures and dimensions, and integrate data directly into Github or a unique Git server
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Payment processing platform

  • Offers payment processing software and application programming interfaces to make payment processing easier
  • Supports custom payment experiences, so local or global users can check out with ACH Debits or Bitcoin using pre-built forms
  • Automates platform updates, so companies can support new tools like Apple Pay as soon as they’re available
  • Enables PCI-DSS compliance using iOS or Android bindings, so businesses can protect sensitive data
  • Bills monthly so subscription-based businesses can manage multiple user subscriptions at one time
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IBM open data exchange

  • Enables marketers to exchange customer behavior and identity data in context across an ecosystem of IBM, partner applications and client-owned applications such as Facebook, Fresh Relevance, LiveRamp, and more
  • Exchanges customer behavior data in order to engage customers in Watson Campaign Automation and IBM Campaign with personalized communications by email, sms, and mobile push
  • Activates audiences from applications connected with UBX in owned and paid channels
  • Powers customer journey analytics in Watson Customer Experience Analytics across all engagement channels
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The Engagement OS

  • Intercom connects sales, marketing and support to deliver more powerful customer communications that reach audiences where they are — continuously and at enterprise scale.
  • Provide high-quality, personalized help at any scale by layering human, self-serve, and proactive support.
  • Onboard, activate, and re-engage customers with targeted outbound messages, product tours, and email campaigns.
  • Convert more website visitors into customers with targeted messages, bots, and real-time chat.
  • More than 25,000 global organizations, including Atlassian, Amazon and Lyft Business, rely on Intercom to deliver unparalleled user experiences at any scale.
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Freshchat is a conversational support tool that provides AI-powered bots and live chat across every messaging channel

  • Engage customers on the channel of their choice
  • Create and deploy AI-driven bot experiences across your website, native app, and messaging channels
  • Equip agents to deliver personalization at scale with unified agent workspace
sendgrid logo

Email automation platform

  • Links mobile and web engagement so developers can track user behavior across channels
  • Enables automation of emails sent to customer segments based on behavioral triggers
  • Integrates with transactional email servers via SMTP relay setup so developers can customize domains and links to reduce phishing or spam triggers
  • Provides account statistics and engagement data
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Helpdesk and knowledgebase software

  • Zendesk Support helps tracking, prioritizing, and solving of customer support tickets.
  • Designed to increase speed and efficiency of your support teams while raising customer satisfaction.
  • Uses data to customize your reports and offer insights into customer health metrics.
  • Multi-channel, multi-lingual, and multi-brand support.
  • Business Rulesallow you to initiate processes triggered by ticket changes or time-based conditions.
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Transactional email API

  • Tracks spam complaints by registering IPs and providing feedback loops
  • Groups IPs into pools and commands pool sending based on rules, so developers can control which IPs to send from
  • Supports custom email tracking to follow opens, clicks, bounces, and spam complaints, and provides a log so developers can filter data based on user information, timestamp, or other pre-defined criteria
  • Automates and merges email tags based on email sender or template used and supports split testing so teams can optimize and personalize engagement
  • Supports white labeling and custom sending options by automating actions without adjusting code
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Marketing automation

  • Automates batch and real-time triggered mobile and email account-based marketing campaigns
  • Segments customers and targets mobile and web messages to lists based on product interest, past purchased, buying intent, and past engagement
  • Supports personalized email campaign creation and A/B testing so teams can target communications to automatically updated segments
  • Provides account-based marketing so teams can track targeting, management, cross-channel engagement, and revenue-based analytics in one place
  • Includes web page builder, forms, content “gating” functionality, and other standard marketing automation features in addition to email
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The hassle-free way to add Segment analytics to your kotlin app (JVM).

  • Tracking user activity from your app to our server
  • Packaging third-party integrations’ SDKs into your app
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Mobile insights and integration

  • Supports in-app event tracking to create reports on usage trends, user progression, and user events
  • Segments user actions based on characteristics like version, usage, install date, gender, language, geography, acquisition channel, or interest
  • Compares iOS and Android app usage so teams can explore app performance across devices
  • Creates user funnels and pinpoints incomplete actions so marketers can review usage reports
  • Integrates with third-party platforms like comScore with one SDK
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Open source data warehouse

  • Dive deeper than traditional analytics tools by querying raw data with SQL
  • Analyze all your web, mobile, and other data sources together in a single place
  • With one code implementation, send your data off to hundreds of tools
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Mobile app analytics

  • Measures and records real-time mobile app information for a comprehensive view into audience demographics, user behavior, and acquisition sources
  • Integrates with multiple ad networks to enable straightforward campaign attribution and performance optimization
  • Defines custom audiences based on device data and user behavior, which can be used for push notifications, A/B tests, and advertising
  • Highlights app performance issues with visualized event streams and crash reporting
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Criteo Offline Conversions harnesses your offline sales to drive more in-store outcomes.

  • Enables deterministic matching of SKU-level offline sales data with online user profiles so marketers can accurately target in-store customers online
  • Leverages past purchase behavior to optimize Criteo campaigns towards a shoppers true shopping preferences and deliver personalized creative that inspires more shopping
  • Provides a constant feedback look to understand the full value of your digital campaigns
vwo logo

A Connected Experience Optimization Platform

  • Optimize your users’ digital experiences with our web testing product (VWO Testing) to create and run A/B, Split, and Multivariate Tests without the need for coding or IT involvement. Rollout out experiences which help you meet your goals. Built a pipeline of tests using our program management product to run a continuous cycle of experimentation.
  • Analyze visitor behavior using our behavioral analytics product (VWO Insights), which provides session recordings, heatmaps, and on-page surveys to diagnose visitor experience issues for both web and mobile applications.
  • Optimize your app feature, flow, and performance with our server-side product (VWO FullStack), which allows you to test anything, using our high performance SDKs. Release features in a phased manner, with full control and zero risk.
  • Collect and enrich customer data in real-time with our data platform (VWO Data360), ensuring data quality and enforcing governance across all channels. Use these data attributes, and events data as segments and metrics to optimize experiments, personalize buying journeys, and fine-tune marketing campaigns.
algolia logo

Your search bar is a feedback form. Algolia’s Segment Integration drives insights from search to click to conversion.

Advanced Analytics & A/B Testing

  • Understand how your search performs with specialized search metrics–like popular searches, popular results and zero results queries–so you can ensure that your users are able to find what they’re searching for.
  • Gain insights into what results users are clicking on, what position those results appear in your results, the average click position of specific search queries, and how those queries are translating to conversions.


  • Display content and objects a user is more likely to be interested in, increasing engagement while decreasing website bounces
monetate logo

Ecommerce marketing automation

  • Migrates customer data from CRMs or POS systems so marketers can analyze user information like location against specific goal metrics like conversions
  • Supports API connection so marketers can enable personalized cross-channel push messages
  • Enables A/B testing so marketers can test and track incremental changes, ROI, and ad performance
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Open-Source Product Analytics

  • Open Source: PostHog is the only open source product analytics tool, which means you can self-host and keep full control of your data.
  • Autocapture: Automatically capture everything your user does on your website without any instrumentation. Using autocapture you’ll get powerful data the moment you turn on the Segment integration.
  • Heatmaps: Using the toolbar you can figure out exactly what your users are doing on your website.
  • Funnels: Figure out where your users are dropping off and where they’re getting stuck using funnels. Drill down into each step and see exactly who’s dropping off, and why.
  • Retention: Powerful retention analytics tools including stickiness, cohort analysis and more.
  • Feature Flags: Safely deploy new features, roll back with one click and experiment with feature flags. Roll out features to certain users or a percentage of users.
  • Full SQL/API access: Get full access to your underlying data.

Behavioral data analytics

  • Enables real-time cross-platform analytics so marketers can use a drag-and-drop dashboard to filter new users by country, user activity and retention rate
  • Funnels audiences by custom events and actions like checkout completed, item added to cart, or payment entered
  • Integrates with Amazon Redshift for data access so data scientists can identify user drop off over time

In-app survey and messaging

  • Reaches out to users via contextual in-product surveys and messaging to capture user feedback and drive feature adoption
  • Helps you understand why users convert or drop off in all stages of your product and marketing funnel, so you can improve conversion and reduce churn
  • Personalizes your messaging with user attributes to increase messaging conversion
  • Localizes your messaging and surveys in 30+ languages based on user’s language preferences and unifies data reporting in one single report
  • Integrates with analytics (e.g. Amplitude, Mixpanel, Heap), CRM, marketing automation, and customer support tools

June is a plug and play product analytics for B2B SaaS companies. June is the fastest growing app in the Segment app store according to Segment CDP 2022 ⭐️

  • Set up in two clicks: Auto-generated dashboards, and templates to answer the most common questions.
  • June AI: Let anyone ask a question using their favorite language: SQL English
  • Live Analytics: Get updates in Slack around your business growth
  • Enrichment: Enrich user and company data (company size, employees count, user role, etc)
  • For Product, Success & Sales teams: Integrate with your CRM (ex: HubSpot) so that Customers Success and Sales team can use product usage data

LogRocket combines session replay, error tracking, and product analytics – empowering software teams to create the ideal web and mobile product experience.

  • Instantly search for pixel-perfect replays of users navigating your web and mobile apps, so you can understand user behavior and reproduce issues
  • Identify, prioritize, and resolve high-severity issues with machine learning models, issue quantification, stack traces, and source maps
  • Visualize key behaviors, user flows, retention, and other trends over time with custom analytics dashboards
  • Create charts and dashboards to measure frontend performance, and correlate performance with its impact on the user experience
  • Discover key moments of user frustration, including rage clicks, dead clicks, frustrating network requests, and Error States

Transform marketing data into accurate, granular and actionable insights

  • Measure granular ROI down to the publisher, keyword and creative level
  • Attribute cross-platform, cross-device user behavior
  • Detect and prevent mobile app fraud with the most comprehensive and flexible solution in the market
  • Create and automatically distribute audience segments to your most valuable Sources
  • Report on true user-level ROAS combining ad revenue with in app revenue

Omnichannel marketing attribution

  • Enables multi-touch attribution and identifies marketing touchpoints in need of attribution so teams can analyze online and offline data
  • Tracks mobile and web ads and autogenerates tracking tags so teams can see impressions, clicks, purchases, and activity across devices
  • Provides real-time dashboards and buyline-level feeds from over 75 marketing systems so advertisers can track cross-platform media buy opportunities
  • Supports TV attributes by assigning categories to networks, shows, episodes, DMA, creative level in national, local, and international ad airings
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